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About Our Township

Washington Township is located in rural northern Armstrong County. It is bordered on the east and north by the Allegheny River, on the west by Sugarcreek Township, and on the south by East Franklin Township. It was created by a division of neighboring Sugarcreek Township in 1858. Citizens petitioned the court, citing a belief that their township was too large and that citizens on the outskirts suffered disenfranchisement due to great distances to polling places and poor roads.

The township has a total area of 23.4 square miles of which just under 4% is water. There are over 56 miles of roads within the township, of which 43 are maintained by Washington Township and 13 are maintained by the State. Of the 43 miles of township roads, 5 miles are Act 32 Turnback Roads. Click here to see an interactive map of the township’s roads and neighborhoods.

Recreational opportunities include the Allegheny River, State Game Lands 105, and Washington Township Memorial Park.

The population was 898 at the 2020 census and the median age was 44.3 years. The census also reported 341 households, with an average family size of 3.08 persons. The township lies within the Armstrong School District.

Townships in Pennsylvania serve as legal entities providing local self-government functions. Because of its low density, less than 300 people per square mile, Washington Township is designated as a second-class township. The governing laws are set in the Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code and in the township ordinances.

The governing body is a board of (3) supervisors who are elected at large to six-year terms. The terms are staggered so that at no time is the board completely new and inexperienced. The Supervisors determine municipal policy, enact laws and the budget, pay bills, establish tax rates, execute contracts, and appoint township officials.

Washington township has no Zoning or Planning Commission.

In-person voting in Washington Township occurs at the Washington Township Firehall, 1124 Reesdale Road, Adrian, PA 16210. Washington Township’s federal, state, and county elected officials are listed in the table below. Township elected officials and appointees are listed on the Contact Us page.

Federal, State, & County Elected Officials

Government LevelDistrictOfficeOfficialContact Information
United States Congress15TH Congressional DistrictRepresentativeGlenn Thompson400 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
United States SenatePennsylvaniaSenatorDave McCormick
United States SenatePennsylvaniaSenatorJohn Fetterman142 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Pennsylvania HouseDistrict 63RepresentativeJosh Bashline200 North Jefferson St.
Kittanning, PA 16201
FAX: 724-954-3614
Daily 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Pennsylvania SenateDistrict 41SenatorJoe Pittman109 South Jefferson Street
Kittanning, PA 16201
FAX: 724-548-4856
Armstrong County School DistrictRegion IISchool Board DirectorTodd B. LukeArmstrong County School District
181 Heritage Park Drive
Suite 2
Kittanning, PA 16201
Armstrong County Magisterial District Court*Magisterial District No. 2Magisterial District JudgeHonorable Kenneth Bussard128 South Grant Avenue
Kittanning, PA 16201
Office: 724-543-2313
FAX: 724-545-9029

*Magisterial District Court is the first level of judicial authority in Pennsylvania and is the court where most people experience the judicial system for the first time. A magistrate’s court normally handles cases known as summary offenses, such as traffic cases, minor criminal cases, common assault, and civil cases involving amounts up to $12,000. Magistrates have sentencing powers that allow them to impose a range of sentences, including unlimited fines, bans, community orders, and up to 12 months of custody, depending on the offense.