The Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC), Act 45 of 1999, became law in 2004 and provides uniform standards for new construction and renovations throughout the state. Washington Township
jointly administers the UCC using their own employees (for construction under 1,000 sq. feet) and a third party agency (for construction 1,000 sq. feet and over) through participation in the Armstrong County UCC Group. The Group contracts with Bureau Veritas to provide inspection services for a set fee schedule. As a member of the Group, Washington Township receives competitive fees for inspection services, access to an appeals board, and County support.
Construction Under 1,000 Square Feet
Building permits for construction over 200 sq. feet but under 1,000 sq. feet cost $25 and are available through the township’s building permit officer, Brenda Nickel. Download and complete the Washington Township Building Permit Application and submit it to Brenda. For any questions, contact Brenda either by phone at 724-545-2560 or by email at You can also stop in the township office at 357 Adrian Sherrett Road Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Construction 1,000 Square Feet and Above
Building permits for construction projects 1,000 sq feet and above are administered by Bureau Veritas. Every permit application needs a PA Permit Application and a Municipal Approval Form. A third form may also be required depending on the project. All forms are available for download here. Scroll down to the middle of the page to see the PA documents.
Completed forms can either be mailed in or dropped off at the Kittanning office:
Bureau Veritas North America
204 Butler Road, Suite 3
Kittanning, PA 16201
For questions or help completing the forms contact:
Gail Greenia
Special Projects Coordinator
Bureau Veritas North America
204 Butler Road, Suite 3
Kittanning, PA 16201
Phone: 724-548-1414
Fax: 724-548-1403